ZwickRoell's and ZRS Testing Systems AB’s symposium, Automatization Day September 13th
Symposium ZwickRoell Automation of material testing.
As pioneers in the field of materials testing and characterization, ZwickRoell has developed a range of innovative automation solutions that revolutionize traditional mechanical testing methods. This symposium will serve as an ideal platform to delve into the numerous advantages and applications of robotic automation in this domain.
We cordially invite you to attend this symposium and actively participate in the discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions. Your presence and expertise will undoubtedly enrich the event, making it an even more insightful and engaging experience for all attendees.
In this symposium we will show you different ways to automate tensile and other mechanical testing. There will be presentations including:
· different robot solutions
· of how to increase the efficiency by robotization
· why you get more reliable test results using automated system.
· two customers will present their experience of automation with ZwickRoell
· automation without robots - simple examples of automatic functions in materials testing using testXpert.
· customer supports for automated testing systems.
Besides the presentations there will be hands on demonstrations
· hands on testing on automated systems
· hands on automated Vickers hardness testing
The program of the day
9.00-9.15 Welcome to ZwickRoell and ZRS Testing Systems symposium about automated testing.
9:15-9:45 Presentation “Automation without robots - simple examples of automatic functions in materials testing.
How to make testXpert more efficient and automated. (Robert Strehle)
9:45- 10:15 Customer presentation. Outokumpu Degerfors experience of using automatization for test system with several test stations. Presentation “600 kN Tensile tester in combination with
Rockwell harndess tester and a KUKA-robot + Automated Charpy Impact test (Magnus Skattberg, Outokumpu in Degerfors)
10:15- 10:30 Break fika
10:30 – 11:00 Presentation “Up to 50% increase in efficiency, this is how much automation potential is in your test laboratory.
11:00- 11:45 Customer presentation Outokumpu “Från dåtid till nutid.”
Effekten av utveckling av labbet hos Outokumpu Avesta-Labb genom automatisering (In Swedish language).
(From past to present. The effect of development of the lab at Outokumpu Avesta-Lab through automation ). The lab is using a 250 kN tensile tester with a handling system for
testing sheet metal specimens and a second system with a small robot for handling hardness testing, Impact (Håkan Wahlberg)
11:45-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Presentation “Services, calibrations, and customer support for automated systems” (ZRS Testing Systems)
13:30 – 15:45 We split the class in two groups. Where we will look at:
Automated hardness testing
Interesting automation projects - walkaround in ZwickRoell assembly hall in Ulm via live video
Workshop hands on for customer. Flexibility of roboTestN
Sign up now to ensure you seat!
To confirm your attendance or for any queries, kindly respond to or use our form: Kontakt — Materialprovning från ZRs at the latest September 1st.
Please note that seating is limited, so we encourage you to secure your spot at your earliest convenience.
Are you curious already now. Have a peek here: Automated test systems | ZwickRoell
We look forward to your favorable response and eagerly await your participation in ZwickRoell's Automatization Day. Together, let us explore new horizons in efficient and accurate tensile testing through the power of robotics.
As we are inviting international customers and speakers, the lecture will be in English except for the customer presentations that will be in Swedish language but we will help with translation if nessesary.